Localization in HelpStudio
HelpStudio is the only mainstream tool that allows you to author content in multiple languages within a single project.
Define your Topics, Table of Contents, and Index Keywords once, and manage the localization for each language within the same project. Easily switch between locales and track localization tasks in HelpStudio.
Localization Fundamentals
Add a secondary locale to the Project
- On the Project tab, select the New Locale button.
- In the New Locale dialog, choose the locale you want to add to the project.
- Select OK.
The new locale is added to the project.
Switch between locales
To switch to another locale, use the Current Locale dropdown on the Project tab.
When you switch to another locale, the Project Explorer and Table of Contents Editor display titles in that locale. Any new editors or project tools you open will also open in that locale. The Properties window shows localizable properties in the current locale.
Localization Issue Indicator
When you work in a secondary locale and a localization for the current locale cannot be found, HelpStudio displays a localization issue indicator next to the text from the Primary Locale, allowing you to easily spot the problem.
Localization Issue Indicator on the Project Explorer
Localization Issue Indicator in the Properties Window
Hover over the localization issue indicator to see a list of locales with missing or outdated localizations.
Open a Topic for edit in a specific locale
To edit a topic in a specific locale without changing the current locale, right-click the topic in the Project Explorer and select the desired locale from the Edit (Other Locale) sub-menu. The Topic Editor opens for the chosen Locale.
To build an output for a secondary locale
- Click the Build button on the Project tab.
- Select the secondary locales you want to build.
- Click the Start Build button.
The output for secondary locales is named with a suffix corresponding to the locale. For example, if you generate a help file named myhelpfile.chm, the file for a German secondary locale will be named myhelpfile.de-DE.chm, and the web output will be saved in a \de-DE sub-directory of the chosen output folder.
To check for outstanding localization work
As you make changes to localizable content in your HelpStudio project, HelpStudio records the change date. This allows HelpStudio to track which secondary locale content is outdated compared to the primary locale.
To view outstanding localization work in the Project Locale Editor:
- In the Project Explorer, select the secondary locale you want to review.
- Click the
Project Explorer toolbar button.
The Project Locale Editor opens for that locale. - Select the Localization Report page.
- Click the Execute button.
A list of localizable content modified in the primary locale more recently than in the secondary locale displays
Navigation Bar
When you open an item from the results grid, a Navigation Bar opens above the document tab area:
Example Navigation Bar
The navigation bar facilitates seamless navigation through the items on the results grid.
- Select the < button to move to the previous item in the results grid.
- Select the > button to move to the next item in the results grid.
Export content for translation
If you want to use a translation company to localize your content, you can use the Export and Import functionality in HelpStudio.
To export content for translation:
- In the Project Explorer, select the secondary locale you want to export content for.
- Click the
Project Explorer toolbar button, or double-click the Secondary Locale, to open the Locale Editor.
The Project Locale Editor opens for that locale. - Select the Export page.
- Select the desired export options.
If you are sending content to a translation company, it is recommended to use the XLIFF export format. XLIFF is an industry-standard translation interchange format that your translation company should be familiar with and can easily work with.
- Click the Export Now button.
The export generates a set of XML/XLIFF files in the specified directory. You can send these files to your translation company, and once they are translated and returned, you can use the Import functionality to bring the translated content into your HelpStudio project.
Import translated content
Once you have received back from your translation provider some translated content previously exported using the Export content for translation process, you can import that translated content back in to your project:
Once you receive translated content from your translation provider, previously exported using the Export Content for Translation process, you can import it back into your project.
- In the Project Explorer, select the secondary locale you want to import content for.
- Click the
Project Explorer toolbar button, or double-click the Secondary Locale.
- Select the Import page.
- Select Browse.
- Select the Folder containing the translated XML files returned by your translation provider.
- Click the Import Now button.
The translated content is imported into your project. Any build you perform for the secondary locale includes the translated content.