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Contiem Connect

Community Features Overview

The community features functionality allows you to seamlessly integrate the content you generate with several popular third-party cloud-based community providers. This integration allows you to actively build a community around the documentation and help systems you publish.

Adding community features to your documentation and help systems allow users to provide feedback easily, ask questions, exchange tips and techniques, and share links to the documentation within their contacts and social networks.

All available community providers offer slightly different user experiences, but they all support content moderation and administration features. These functionalities allows you to effectively manage and respond to the community content.

Supported Community Providers

The currently supported community providers are:

If you are using a different community provider and want support integration, contact

Getting Started

To use community features, start by selecting a community provider (refer to the links in the section above) and then activate community features for the selected community provider in the Build Profile editor.

To enable and configure the community features for your selected community provider, refer to Community Fundamentals.

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