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Import a Project

Using the import functionality, you can bring in content from Microsoft Word, RoboHelp, and Document! X and HelpStudio, and other files such as HTML Help (CHM), Help 2.x, or plain HTML.

To import, perform the following steps.

  1. On the Ribbon Menu, select Import.
  2. Select the file type as required to import.
    The available options are:
    • Import Document! X
    • Import HelpStudio
    • HTML Files
    • HTML Help 1.x Project (.hhp file) or compiled HTML Help file (.chm file)
    • Microsoft Help 2.x Project (.hxc file)
    • RoboHelp Project (.xpj file)
    • Word Document (.doc or .docx file)
  3. Select the file that you want to import and select Open.

Adding Existing Files to the Project

On the Project Ribbon tab, click Add existing Image File, Add existing StyleSheet file or Add existing Other File. When prompted, select the files you want to include in the Project.

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