In Document! X, the widgets are a configurable and extendable library of content helpers with related resources. You can create and use the widgets wherever suitable to deliver an interactive help document. The widgets in Document! X allow you to separate the presentation from content by defining the style and the structure of common content elements.
Standard (default) widget types that ship with Document! X include:
- Note, Tip, and Caution boxes
- Dynamic Image (enlarge / collapse a thumbnail image in place)
- Colorized Example Code
- Include Topic (include the content of one Topic in another)
- Expandable Text
- Drop down section
- QR Code (generate a QR Bar Code from some specified text)
- In this Topic list (automatically generated bookmark links to headings in a long Topic)
- Mini Table of contents (a portion of the Table of Contents rendered as a hierarchical set of links)
- Authoring Note (content that only exists for reference by content authors and should not appear in any outputs)