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Welcome to Document! X

Document! X is an automated authoring tool with full authoring capabilities. You can easily create, publish and maintain documentation for .NET, Web Services, Databases, XSD Schemas, COM Components and Type Libraries, Java and JavaScript. It takes the existing source content and automates the production of the core reference information.

Document! X also allows you to author additional content in the existing source content in a comprehensive authoring environment. It delivers all of the benefits of automated, accurate, and comprehensive documentation without sacrificing the ability to customize, supplement, and extend the generated content.

You can concentrate on developing help content by automatically laying out generated topics consistently and professionally. Its template-based approach for help development makes it easy to change and evolve the look and feel of your help project without any rework in the help content.

Document! X can import existing HTML files, HTML Help 1.x Projects, Microsoft Help 2.x Projects, RoboHelp Projects and Word Documents.

Why Document! X

  • It enables you to develop accurate documentation for complex components or database schemas.
  • It is ideal for reference documentation.
  • Author the content in your Source Code using the Content File editor of the following file types:
    • NET - XML Source Comments
    • COM Reference Documentation
    • Database Documentation
    • XSD Schema Annotations
    • Web Service/API Documentation
    • Java Javadoc format source comments
    • JavaScript JSDoc or XML format source comments.

Features and Capabilities

  • Manage content with market-leading Content Management Systems (CMSs).
  • Manage document versions with leading collaboration and source control platforms to publish multiple variations of the Help output.
  • Single-source publishing for any screen, device and format of your choice.
  • Build a project as part of an automated build process—that is, building a project from the command line.
  • Publish from a single source as HTML Help 1.x (CHM), Help 2.x, Microsoft Help Viewer (Visual Studio Help Format) or web ready pure HTML Browser Help with Table of Contents, Index and Full Text Search capability.
  • Publish to an Azure Web Site, IIS Web Site, FTP, or network directory.

Generated Output

Output Formats

Document! X can generate the XML and XHTML based content to:

  • Cross-platform Web Help
  • Compiled HTML Help 1.x files
  • Compiled Microsoft Help 2.x help files (Visual Studio 2002-2008 help format)
  • Compiled Microsoft Help Viewer help files (Visual Studio 2017, 2019, and 2022 help format).

Document! X generates a comprehensive set of HTML files, optionally compiled into an HTML Help 1.x, Microsoft Help 2.x or Microsoft Help Viewer file, which includes:

  • A full Table of Contents and Index
  • Full text search
  • F1 Context Sensitive / Visual Studio Dynamic Help support
  • Object Relationship Diagrams
  • Inheritance Trees and Language Filtered Syntax Summaries (.NET only), and much more.

Standard look and feel

The standard templates shipped with Document! X reflect the current Microsoft standard for technical documentation to provide a consistent and familiar style and layout. Templates can be fully customized (including the Table of Contents, Page Type and style, color schemes, etc.) without any rework with the content.

See Also

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